flash news: #Ukraine

9 February 2024
The Sejm has adopted an amendment to the Special Law

During today's session in the Sejm, after the third reading, the latest draft bill on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with the armed conflict in that country was adopted. According to the adopted content of the law, the period of stay recognized in Poland as legal and related privileges for citizens of Ukraine are to be in force until 30 June 2024. This is a marked change from recent announcements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration about which we wrote several days ago. This is because as recently as last week, representatives of the Ministry announced plans to extend existing provisions under the Special Act until September 2024.

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5 February 2024
Extending special provisions and rights for Ukrainian citizens

According to the bill released on Friday, changes to the law on assisting citizens of Ukraine in light of the armed conflict in their country propose extending special provisions and rights for Ukrainian citizens until June 30, 2024, for the time being. This extension covers aspects such as prolonging the legality of stay of Ukrainian citizens in Poland, the right to work based on notifications, and the right to engage in business activities. Further period (until at least 4 March 2024) will be the subject of separate legislative works.

29 January 2024
Will there be an extension of the solutions from the “Special Act of Ukrainian citizens”?

According to the latest announcements from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, the government has initiated preparations to amend the so-called 'Special Act for Ukrainian Citizens' to extend its validity for another six months, until September 2024.

Concurrently, amendments to the current regulations are expected, with a focus on new assistance rules for Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland. These adjustments aim to align with the current situation and needs in the Polish and European markets.

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15 November 2023
Extension of temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens

13 November 2023 saw the entry into force of Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2409Note, the link will open in a new window extending temporary protection in the territory of the European Union for persons fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The temporary protection has been extended for another year, namely until 4 March 2025.

Currently, we are waiting for the Polish provisions of the Ukrainian Special Act (the Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict in that Country, dated 12 March 2022) to be adjusted to the decision of the EU Council.

29 September 2023
EU Council Decision to Extend Temporary Protection for Ukrainian Nationals

On 28 September 2023, a political decision was taken in the Council of the EU to extend the temporary protection granted to Ukrainian citizens fleeing war who have found refuge in the territory of the European Union.

The new cut-off date for temporary protection for those fleeing war in Ukraine is to be 4 March 2025.

We are currently waiting for the Council to formally adopt a decision amending the existing regulations. This will take place once the final wording of the decision has been agreed and translated into all EU languages.

11 September 2023
Ukrainian citizens may continue to benefit from residence rights extended by the COVID-19 Special Act

Ukrainian citizens who were residing in Poland based on, among others, a national visa, and their stay’s legal validity ended before 24 February 2022 and was then subsequently extended under the COVID-19 Special Act to 31 July 2023, may continue to reside legally in Poland until 4 March 2024. This follows from the interpretation issued by the Head of the Office for Foreigners.

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