flash news: #foreigners
On 30 July 2024, the following was published on the website of the Government Legislation Centre: supplementary material to the draft Act on amending the Act on foreigners and certain other acts (UC15). It includes an annex to aRegulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration with a list of professions the practice of which results in the recognition of higher professional qualifications obtained by a foreigner.
An EU IT system is due to be launched in the first half of 2025 that will record the entries and exits of non-EU nationals (EES), as well as short-term travel permits (ETIAS) to the EU. Therefore, UK citizens living in Poland and their eligible family members should consider applying for a residence permit now - if they have not already done so.
The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has published a report on foreigners registered with Poland’s social insurance system in 2023.
The report states that 1,127,744 foreigners were registered with the social security system in 2023, which is nearly 513% more than in 2015.
The growth is therefore noticeable and has been almost exponential, so far.
According to a report on the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate (text in Polish), 9,138 inspections were carried out in 2023, in which almost 40,000 foreigners were checked at to the legality of their employment.
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration has announced that it will introduce a system in 2025 for registering the entries/exits of non-EU nationals who cross the Polish border.
The Polish registry is to be linked to the European EES system, which is responsible for registering the entries and exits of non-EU nationals at the European Union’s external borders.
According to the latest (published on 11 June 2024) information from Statistics Poland (GUS), more than one million foreigners (1,015,100) were working in Poland at the end of December 2023. Their share of the total number of people working in Poland was thus 6.6%. This means an increase of 4.2% in the number of foreigners working in Poland over the past year (comparing statistics from January and December 2023).