
If not temporary work, maybe “external workbench”?

7One of the biggest challenges for Polish businesses in the reality of the pandemic and rising inflation is to recruit qualified staff. It doesn’t help when they have limited budgets with which to seek out talent to fill growing job vacancies. For this reason, one solution gaining popularity is outsourcing of employees — or indeed a whole panoply of forms of employee outsourcing.

dr Szymon Kubiak, Katarzyna Magnuska

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Employee’s unilateral relocation abroad

An employee working remotely could theoretically work from anywhere in the world. Such employees sometimes feel that because their physical presence at the workplace is not required, they can freely decide on the place where they will perform their duties. But a change in working location — particularly leaving for a different country — can cause serious legal consequences for the employment relationship between the parties. Thus employers need to be aware of these consequences and carefully regulate the location of remote work, as well as enforce the solutions they adopt.

Agnieszka Lisiecka, Piotr Podsiadły

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Entry, stay and work in Poland (citizens of Ukraine and other countries)

The special Act on Aid to Ukrainian citizens has just entered into force. We have prepared a guide explaining comprehensively the most up-to-date rules of entry, stay and work in Poland for citizens of Ukraine and other countries. Available in Polish, Ukrainian and English.

The guide was prepared by Magdalena Świtajska and Katarzyna Sawicka from the Employment and Global Mobility practice of the Wardyński & Partners.

Щойно набув чинності спеціальний закон про допомогу громадянам України. Ми підготували довідник, який вичерпно пояснює найбільш актуальні правила в’їзду, перебування та роботи в Польщі для громадян України та інших країн. Доступно польською, українською та англійською мовами.

Довідник підготували Магдалена Світайська та Катажина Савицька з практики трудового права та глобальної мобільності.

версія українська >>>

Polish version >>>

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Crossing the border and reuniting families (Guide for citizens of Ukraine)

Another concise guide: How long does legal residence last in Poland? How to extend it? How to bring family members to Poland? In Ukrainian, Polish and English. The guide has been prepared by Magdalena ŚwitajskaNote, the link will open in a new window and Katarzyna Sawicka from the firm’s Employment and Global Mobility practice.

версія українська >>>Note, the link will open in a new window

wersja polska >>>Note, the link will open in a new window

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Residing and working in Poland. Guide for Citizens of Ukraine

Our brief guide explains the possibilities of entry, legalization of work and legalization of stay of Ukrainian citizens in Poland. It also covers the rules for bringing their families to Poland.

The guide has been prepared by Magdalena Świtajska  and Katarzyna Sawicka from the firm’s Employment and Global Mobility practice .

версія українська >>>Note, the link will open in a new window

русская версия >>>Note, the link will open in a new window

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Another look at sobriety testing of employees

In industries with a heightened responsibility for the safety of the public, employers have implemented preventive sobriety testing for employees entering the workplace, thus mitigating the risk of incidents involving employees who are intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol. The permissibility of such testing has become the focus of increased interest of employers since June 2019, when the Personal Data Protection Office issued the position that employers cannot conduct such testing.

Agnieszka Lisiecka, Katarzyna Żukowska

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